Responsible for developing subscriptions to places to sleep, founded at the end of the year at the company to create breakthrough products and services. Previously, R&D was located within the business. But also because of this, the contradiction arises: What long-term or short-term goals should we focus on? Therefore, the research and development department was separated into an independent legal entity, and the studio focused on innovative products.
The entire process of developing and launching the upgrade service took approximately six moible number data months. The product was launched on the market in March. The project is run by. Subscriptions are made on the upgrade service web page. Users need to wait for the application to be approved and sign the contract, and the contract will be drawn up automatically. The kit is delivered within hours of order creation, or at a date and time convenient to the customer. Currently, there are six kits available in Upgrade Services. Four of them include mattress pads, anatomical pillows and protective covers.

The other two feature beds with an additional deformable base that can change the angle of inclination of the head and feet. Subscription products range in cost from ₽ to ₽ per month, and the term is calculated in four installments. During this period, free replacement and repair of kits will be carried out. without renewing the subscription, he will pay the remainder of the original cost of the kit. If he stays in the military and orders a new mattress, he doesn't have to pay. Companies can recycle old mattresses. They produce raw materials and technical components.