We will be happy to answer your questionsfrom most often use devices an.d network tools services completely autonomously and often have the legal possibility to. grant binding consent to the processing of personal data however it depends on the country A detailed description of these categories is attached to the guidelines Annex B Age and developmental stages available in English here Although the ICO indicates that this division is not obligatory it emphasizes that when designing a tool service some division should be made so that it can be logically justified These categories are worth remembering because the.
ICO repeatedly returns to this division pointing to different practices in imple.menting individual standards depending on the age category of recipients How to determine age correctly Adapting solutions to specific Country Email List age groups. should be preceded by identifying the age of your recipients If after the assessment there is no certainty as to the age of the recipients the.
ICO suggests the following solutions reduc.e the risks to the rights and freedoms of people in connection with the processing of their personal data for all its services increase the level of certainty about the age of users by taking appropriate measures a.pply the high standard of protection appropriate for children to all users So wha.t measures does the ICO offer to ensure the age of users age declaration without verification may be sufficient when the risk associated with data processing is low the use of algorithms and or artificial intelligence to detect the age of users and whether their behavior is consistent with the declared age cooperation with an age.