For the above two tasks, you can check directly along the business processsystem processdata dictionary without communicating with the business department. However, if you only do these two steps, you are likely to get a result: you know what is happening, but you do not know why. The deeper reasons are unknown, such as: Why are registration points designed to accumulate points? Why are there a few gifts that are worth points when redeemed by points? Why are the points distribution activities concentrated in these time periods? It is very likely that there is a specific business purpose behind these designs. These business purposes are not left directly in paper documents.
Therefore, the grooming effort should not stop at just understa Australia WhatsApp Number ding the processdata. It should also be sorted out: business actions. Only by understanding the purpose of the business department and what they have done can we understand what is behind the data obtained directly from these questions, and inspiration for further analysis can also come from here. This greatly avoids: After analyzing a lot, the business says I knew it earlier. This data analysis idea makes people shout reliable Of course, different companies have different communication difficulties, so students should act according to their ability. It is best to communicate clearly. Basic data presentation After sorting out the business, you can present basic data.
The presentation of basic data must also adhere to the principles of the ins and outs and the overall and partial aspects. Present the basic situation first, and then identify problems. For example, in terms of points, you can talk about: Overall, how many points are there in stock, how many are added every month, and how much are consumed? How have the overall stock points, monthly additionsconsumption, changed in the past year? How many sources of points are there? What is the proportion of each? Has the structure of points sources changed? How many ways are there to spend points? What is the proportion of each? Has the structure of points consumption changed? After presenting the current situation, different approaches will be taken based on the previous review of the situation.